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AKASHGANGA CONSTRUCTIONAL MACHINES PVT LTD, Satara, Maharashtra, India., Manufacturer Supplier Exporter of Artificial Sand Making Machines, Jaw Crushers, Cone Crushers, Special VSI Crusher, Plaster Sand Making Machines from India

VSI Crusher ( PATENTED )

Special Achievements

Our VSI crushers are electronically controlled. All safety features are interlinked. Hence permits to run the plant more efficiently.

  • The feed material quantity is automatically controlled. This technology makes the unit to run with maximum efficiency. In case due to any reason machine is running at under capacity, it will rectify and increase the feed automatically. So machine will be operated at full efficiency.
  • The lubrication system is also electronically controlled. Quantity of lubricating oil is increased or decreased automatically to keep the machine cool.
  • All Safety devices are interlinked and auto controlled.

All the above features make the machine more efficient and make the machine maintenance free.

Special Achievements of the Crush Products

  • The sand of cubical particles and rounded edges particles can be manufactured.
  • Silt and soil free clean sand.
  • Sand of any grade can be manufactured, only by changing the sieve of the screen grade of the sand can be changed. Capacity of the machine if given anywhere should be taken for grade 1 sand. For finer sand, capacity of the machine will decrease accordingly.
  • In comparison with river sand machine made sand is having more compressive strength.
  • The workability of the mortar increases due to the rounded edges of the sand made by this machine: hence less water cement ratio is possible.
  • There are no impurities such as mud, soil, silt, hence less permeability.
  • No harsh concrete or honey combs in the concrete, due to better plasticity.
  • Very nice finish can be achieved in the work.
  • Fine particles of the dust can be removed by controlling the air draft.
  • The dust separated is very fine and can be utilized as Sanala ( mixing with 1:10 cement ), for BSP; manufacturing cement tiles, or can be used for burnt brick making. ( Soil required for brick making is not easily available. Hence it gives a better substitute for soil. The bricks made out of dust are strong compared to ordinary mud bricks.)
  • The capacity of the machine is based on the hardness of the rock and feed size and the HP available. Softer rock and smaller the feed size increases the production.
  • The fine dust can also be used for tiles manufacturing, for cleaning powder in stead of dolomite powder.
  • The Sand can be manufactured from stone Grit, which is a waste at stone crusher unit or bigger articles from riverbed. The Grit is mainly used in Road making in seal Coat. The consumption is very less,compared to the production every stone crusher produces about 15% Grit. It is headache to the crusher owners. It requires huge space for storage, and turnovers are very less. The grit can be economically used for Sand Manufacturing. It is readily available on all crushers at throw away price. . The yield of the sand from Grit is approximately. By Weight. By Volume. Sand 84%, 72% Dust 16% 31%
  • The powers required for the manufacturing of100 CFT. Of sand from grit i) For Cubical sand approximately 13 units. This data is variable according to feed size, voltage stability, hardness of the Stone.
  • The complete plant is fully automatic. Only one operator for starting, stopping, And routing maintenance, Greasing etc. is required. One or two Helpers to Clean the space, to collect thrown away particles in process etc. are required.